Tiramisu (Egg Free)

Tiramisu (Egg Free)

For those who haven’t made this delectable concoction before, the idea is to take ladyfingers, an Italian cookie (sorta in the shape of a lady’s finger) and to dip them – NOT soak them or they literally dissolve – in a coffee/liquor combo and use them as the “cake” which sandwiches the cream cheese/whipped cream filling and topping. What happens when you dip ladyfingers is quite different than with another type of cookie (they are quite nice as is, by the by). They turn into a sort of sponge cake texture which is just wonderful with the combination of creams. This dessert should quite deliberately sit in the fridge in order to allow all the ingredients to combine into a dessert so it also makes it a good make ahead dessert. It works best if it sits overnight in the fridge and should last 3-4 days very nicely but longer than that it gets a bit watery, not to be desired. However, it’s so addictive I don’t think you need to worry about it hanging around the fridge too long.

I made this in different shapes, both glass pie pan and square and while both work, the square is easier to align the ladyfingers and cut and serve from and looks nicer on the plate. But, if you only have a pie plate to hand, it will do the trick. I’ve eaten this with the eggs and without and since one doesn’t always have access to pasteurized eggs, I did not feel the texture suffered from the lack of eggs so it’s a simpler recipe.

So gather your ingredients

gather your ingredients
gather your ingredients

Start by preparing the dipping liquid, brewing your coffee (do try to use good coffee for the better flavor) and mixing it with bourbon/scotch/almond/chocolate/orange or hazelnut liquor all of which work well with the coffee. Set aside.

Now whip the cream cheese and vanilla with the sugar first, keeping the whipping cream cold in the fridge in the interim.

sugar and cream cheese
sugar and cream cheese

There is method to my madness. If you try to whip the cream first and then add the cream cheese, the density of the cream cheese will deflate the whipped cream thereby ruining the whole fluffy thing you want going on. So whip away till the cream cheese and sugar fluff up together nicely like so:

cream cheese whipped with sugar
cream cheese whipped with sugar

So it’s a bit thick but not too and won’t make the whipping of the cream a struggle.

Now add the unwhipped cream right on top

adding the whipped cream on top of the whipped cream cheese
adding the whipped cream on top of the whipped cream cheese

and whip together.

whipped cream with whipped cream cheese
whipped cream with whipped cream cheese

Now doesn’t that already look yum? It is, I dare you not to sneak some to taste. K. Now’s the time to get your dish you will serve from ready. It’s infinitely easier if you line it with parchment paper or plastic wrap for cutting and plating so it won’t stick. Remember your coffee mixture? It’s dipping time! Remember, dip don’t soak or it’ll crumble and dissolve. Literally 1 side dip, 2nd side dip for a second or two not more.

dipping time
dipping time

Now lay down the dipped ladyfingers into your pan. If they don’t fit perfectly, no worries, you just break them into the size that will fit. Since they’ve been dipped, they are soft and easy to work with.

fitting the ladyfingers in the pan
fitting the ladyfingers in the pan

As you can see, I place the coffee dip right next to the prepared pan so you don’t fumble it and can immediately lay them down. I used a square pan for this. Now take half the whipped filling/topping and slather over the bottom layer of ladyfingers.

slathering the cream mixture
slathering the cream mixture

Now take a bar of chocolate (while you can use milk chocolate, I feel the dark/bittersweet chocolate works more successfully here and has a more sophisticated flavor) and grate some chocolate over the whipped topping. I also shake a little cocoa through a sieve over this as well. Now take the rest of the ladyfingers and dip 1,2 and lay on top of the chocolate and cocoa to fit. Slather the remaining whipped mixture over all and again sprinkle with grated chocolate and cocoa. Put toothpicks lightly into you tiramisu and cover carefully with plastic wrap not touching the top of it. Place in your fridge at least 6 hours but better overnight. Serve straight from the fridge, not at room temperature.

tiramisu (egg free)
tiramisu (egg free) this is in the pie pan

Tiramisu (Egg Free)

Dipping liquid:

1-2 tablespoons bourbon (or other liquor, almond, orange, chocolate, hazelnut)

1 1/2 cups brewed coffee (330 ml approximately)

200 grams (7 ounces) ladyfingers


1 cup (225 grams ) cream cheese

1/2 cup sugar (100 grams)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

500 ml (2 cups) heavy whipping cream

For the top

1 -2 tablespoons cocoa

5-6 tablespoons grated dark chocolate from a good quality chocolate bar


Prepare the dipping liquid by mixing the liquor and the coffee in a container that allows you to place the whole ladyfinger in it easily and set aside.

Prepare the filling/topping by whipping together the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla till fluffy. Pour the whipping cream right on top of the cream cheese mixture and continue to beat together till whipped and fluffy, it will double in volume. Now prepare your pan (square or pie pan) by lining with plastic wrap for ease of later removal. Take the ladyfingers and one by one (not a bunch at a time or they will dissolve!!!) dip for a second on one side then flip and dip a second on the other side and immediately lay into the pan filling the gaps if need be by breaking some of the ladyfingers to fit. Whatever you do, do not linger on the dipping or the ladyfingers will crumble and dissolve into a mess. Once the bottom layer is done, slather half the filling over the ladyfingers and then sprinkle some cocoa through a sieve and some grated chocolate over the filling. Then dip and flip the rest of the ladyfingers to fit the next layer. When done, slather the rest of the whipped filling over the top. Top with the rest of the cocoa and dark chocolate. Carefully place toothpicks in the top of the ladyfingers at intervals and carefully cover with more plastic wrap being careful not to touch the topping. Refrigerate at least 6 hours but preferably overnight before serving. Serve cold from the fridge, not at room temperature.

2 replies
  1. Brian Williams
    Brian Williams says:

    Hi Debbie
    Just love your site, I really want to ask you for more information on your tirsmisu recipie, as I am really struggling to get it right, 🙏🏾 thanks a lot Brian🌹


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