Quick and Easy Asian Cabbage Salad

Quick and Easy Asian Cabbage Salad (GF)

I was in a tearing hurry and wanted to throw together a fast and fab salad without too much effort. Also, I have a friend who’s allergic to soy sauce and sorta put in a request for soy sauce free dressings and I figured, sure, let’s do that! I’m extremely pleased with the results both in how easy this is and the fact that I don’t miss the soy flavor at all. It’s also gluten free and good for Passover (yeah, I know we have a whole year to go but just sayin’). So Robin, this is with you in mind, hope you will enjoy it!

Gather your ingredients

gather your ingredients
gather your ingredients

Choose a nice serving bowl since you will make the dressing right in the bowl and add the rest of your ingredients to the bowl. So take the balsamic vinegar (yeah, try to use that kind of vinegar if possible. I’ve found it is reminiscent of the undernote of soy sauce so do try to use it), runny honey, salt, powdered ginger and minced onion (dried or fresh as you please. I used dried, so easy and so quickly to hand) and stir it up together in your bowl.

dressing in the bowl
dressing in the bowl

and whisked together

whisked dressing
whisked dressing

K. let it sit a bit. Now you have a choice. You can prepare this in advance, a few hours before serving and bung it in the fridge, but cabbage compacts down and starts to pickle. If you want it fresh and crunchy, leave the dressing ready to roll and only put it together at the last minute. If you like the slightly compacted style better, prepare in advance.

When ready to put together, place shredded slaw in the bowl on top of the dressing and add the dried cranberries and toss, toss, toss.

toss with the cranberries
toss with the cranberries

Let sit for as long or short as you please but only sprinkle with the sliced blanched almonds just before serving or they will lose their delightful crunch and that’d be a shame. This pairs beautifully with most any main dish and I’ve caught certain people who shall remain nameless eating it right out of the bowl when removed from the table.

Quick and Easy Asian Cabbage Salad

4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

3 tablespoons runny honey

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon powdered ginger

2 teaspoons minced dried onion or 2 tablespoons chopped scallions or finely chopped onion

1 16 ounce shredded cole slaw mix (cabbage and carrot) (450 grams)

1/4-1/3 cup (25-35 grams) dried sweetened cranberries

4 tablespoons (or more if you want a lot of crunch) sliced blanched almonds


Right in the bowl you will serve the salad in, mix the vinegar, honey, salt, powdered ginger and minced onion. Whisk well and let sit a bit. If serving as a very fresh crunchy cabbage salad, only add cabbage when you see the whites of your guests/family’s eyes. If wanting it a bit compacted and lightly pickled, you mix the cabbage slaw and dried cranberries in a few hours in advance and store in the fridge. When ready to serve, sprinkle with the sliced blanched almonds to retain the crunch.

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