Passover Cinnamon Crumb Cake (with Matza Meal)

Cinnamon Crumb Cake for Passover (with Maztah Meal)

I’m well aware that I’ve complained about the taste of matzah meal in Passover baked goods many a time. However, I spied this recipe on one of my foodie groups that someone copied from Tammy Israel | Salads & Sweets saladsnsweets on Instagram (this I found on FB however) and after reading it over, decided to give it a shot. DH has longed for the crumb cake of his youth from Passovers long gone in the States where we made the Streit’s or Manischewitz crumb cakes and I haven’t seen for years. We also need a cake for kiddush and without matzah meal in it, it doesn’t work. So this was the game plan since everything else I make is gluten free, thereby allowing Noa, my granddaughter, access to all the goodies I prepare. (This cake had a big warning on it that it was mezonot – with gluten – and I showed her as well).

All fine and well, but I was nervous it would be a disaster and get tossed as a hopeless cause. Well, thank you Tammy!! A big shout out to you since the cake was absolutely delicious and I did not get that nasty aftertaste I dread in matzah meal baked goods! In fact, it disappeared almost as fast as my I Can’t Believe It’s Gluten Free Passover Chocolate Chip Cookies which still seem to be the number one hit and I promise you, barely made it till the Seder. But I digress. By the by I made this several times for Shabbat as well as the seventh day of Passover. Perfect every time.

Now you know me, I tend to switch things up, but I will shock you by saying the only changes I made was slightly in the prep, I left the ingredients the same and added the metric equivalents. An important note. Both matzah meal and potato starch tend to stiffen the batters of these cakes. So don’t delay in the prep and make sure your oven is preheated so you get the cake in as soon as it’s ready.

So gather your ingredients

gather your ingredients
gather your ingredients

Preheat oven to 350 F/180 C.

and mix together your crumb topping in a medium bowl first to be ready to sprinkle immediately on batter and set aside.

crumb topping in a bowl
crumb topping in a bowl

Then mix dry ingredients in a large bowl.

Add juice and eggs to dry ingredients
Add juice and eggs to dry ingredients

Mix well till combined but don’t overmix.

Mix till combined but don't overmix.
Mix till combined but don’t overmix.

Pour batter into parchment lined 9 x 13 (23 x 33 cm) rectangular pan.

pour batter into parchment lined pan
pour batter into parchment lined pan

Immediately sprinkle batter with the crumbs you’ve set aside.

sprinkle batter with crumbs
sprinkle batter with crumbs

And right into the oven it goes (preheated, remember!) to bake for 35-40 minutes or till toothpick comes out clean and it’s nicely browned. Cool on a wire rack and cut into squares to serve. You will really be astounded by the texture which is amazingly cake-like as though it were made with regular flour. A truly delicious cinnamon crumb cake.

Cinnamon Crumb Cake for Passover (with Matzah Meal)

Crumb Topping:

½ cup (60 grams) matzah cake meal

½ cup (95 grams) potato starch

½ cup (100 grams) brown sugar

3 teaspoons cinnamon

¼ teaspoon salt

6 tablespoons oil


1 cup (200 grams) granulated sugar

1 cup (120 grams) matzah cake meal (finely ground)

¾ cup (190 grams) potato starch

3 teaspoons baking powder

½ teaspoon salt

1 package instant vanilla pudding (95 grams/3.4 ounces approximately)

1 package (1 teaspoon) vanilla sugar

3 large eggs

6 tablespoons oil

¾ cup (177 ml) orange juice


Preheat oven to 350 F/180 C.

In a medium bowl, mix the crumb topping – the matzah meal, potato starch, brown sugar, cinnamon, salt and oil (dry first, oil last to incorporate properly) till crumbly and set aside.

In a separate large bowl mix the sugar, matzah meal, potato starch, baking powder, salt, vanilla pudding and vanilla sugar thoroughly.  Add the eggs, oil and orange juice and stir till combined, don’t overmix.  Immediately spread cake batter in a greased 9 x 13 inch (23 x 33 cm) pan and sprinkle the crumb topping you’ve set aside over all evenly.  Bake 35-40 minutes or till toothpick comes out clean and top is lightly browned.  Let cook on wire rack before cutting into squares.

2 replies
  1. Rochelle Eissenstat
    Rochelle Eissenstat says:

    Thank you! Ever since moving to Israel I have missed the KLP crumb coffee cake mixes! I’ve never yet found a good home made recipe. I must try this one! What I always did to those cake mixes was to add a fruit – 1 peeled thinly sliced apple or pear or banana to improve this moisture and flavor. I’ll try your recipe without and with fruit.


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