Fresh Corn Salad

Fresh Corn Salad

I was very excited to see that my organic produce guy got fresh ears of corn on his list of products since I’m a big fan. There’s nothing so delicious as a fresh ear of corn, it’s so sweet and so easy to prepare. I just pop them in the microwave and zap ’em for 5-6 minutes or till they turn a slightly darker yellow and are cooked. You don’t even need butter and salt they are so good. But as delish as they are, they also make a fabulous fresh corn salad. Now I know you can make it with canned or frozen corn but wow! such a difference in the flavor.

It’s fast and easy so gather your ingredients and let’s go!

gather your ingredients
gather your ingredients

Put the chopped onion in a bowl, the crushed garlic, dry mustard, salt, vinegar, honey, oil, black pepper, parsley and sweet paprika right on top of it and whisk together to make the dressing. Set aside.

whisk the dressing ingredients together
whisk the dressing ingredients together

Take the ears of corn and zap them in the microwave just till done but still a bit crunchy, about 5 minutes or so. Grate or finely chop the carrot and chop the red pepper into smallish chunks. Then take the corn which should be cool enough to handle by now and cut the corn off the ears of corn.

cut the corn off the ears
cut the corn off the ears

Place the corn, red pepper and carrot into the bowl with the dressing and toss well to coat. Let marinate at least half an hour. Best served at room temperature. Delish with fish, meat, chicken or tuna burgers! Really it’s a great salad with anything.

Fresh Corn Salad

3 ears fresh corn cooked in microwave or boiled
1 large red pepper, chopped
1 carrot peeled and chopped

2 tablespoons chopped onion
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons vinegar
1-2 cloves garlic crushed
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2-1 teaspoon salt
Pinch black pepper
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon sweet paprika


In medium bowl, place chopped onion, parsley, honey, vinegar, garlic, oil, salt, black pepper, dry mustard and sweet paprika. Whisk all together to make a dressing. Set aside. Now take your cooked fresh corn and slice off the kernels and place in the dressing in the bowl with the red pepper and carrot. Toss all well till coated and let sit and marinate at least half an hour. Best served at room temperature.

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