Light and Fluffy 1 Bowl Marble Cake

Light and Fluffy 1 Bowl Marble Cake

Even though I already have a marble cake recipe on the blog, I decided to give you another one since the original recipe Mile High Marble Chiffon Cake- Step by Step necessitates separating eggs.

Sometimes you just don’t wanna do that and want a fast and easy recipe. So I fiddled around with a few recipes and the great thing here is, it’s a one bowl and you’re done job. Despite this, you get a lovely fluffy texture and the cake rises nicely and albeit not mile high, it’s still got nice height. So, for those days you want a moist and delish marble cake with less hassle, this is for you! It’s worth using a tube pan for this to give that height although it can be made in a 9 x 13 inch pan and just adjust the baking time a bit.

So start by gathering your ingredients and preheating your oven to 325 F/165 C. This is NOT a mistake, do not bake this cake at the regular temp of 350 F/180 C or it will dry out on you and the lovely moist texture is a goner. Trust me people, I do not lie.

So, ingredients ahoy:

marble cake ingredients
marble cake ingredients

Btw, I’m quite serious about lining them up before you begin, it prevents great aggro in discovering OMG I forgot to put (fill in the blank) in. Just sayin’. So you begin by dry ingredients, flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together.

mixing the dry ingredients together
mixing the dry ingredients together

Mix till blended nicely. Then, don’tcha love it, put all the wet ingredients in, whipping well with your beaters/whisks. Yup yup, right on top of the dry ingredients. Eggs, oil, o.j. and vanilla.

wet ingredients on dry
wet ingredients on dry
mixing together
mixing together

You should scrape all about with a spatula to make certain there are no pockets of flour lurking. Whip once more with whisks. Okey dokey.

The last ingredient is the cocoa but you only add this after you pour out all the batter except a cup’s worth into a greased tube pan and now, in the mixer bowl with the last cup of batter, add the cocoa like so:

adding cocoa to cup of batter
adding cocoa to cup of batter

and whisk till smooth together.

cocoa whisked in smoothly
cocoa whisked in smoothly

K. Now remember your batter in the tube pan? Now’s the time to pour the cocoa batter in a circle on top like so:

cocoa batter on white batter in a circle
cocoa batter on white batter in a circle

By the by, the batter is thickish but not really thick, if you get me. Not too liquidy, not too thick. Just right Goldilocks. Onward. This is the fun part. Take a knife and in a swirly S pattern, marbleize the batter like so:

marbleizing the batter
marbleizing the batter

Fun. Okay, now your oven is up to temp, 325!! remember!!! and place pan in oven and bake approximately 50 minutes or till golden and risen and a wooden toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

golden brown
golden brown

Let cool completely on wire rack. With a sharp knife cut all around edges and the tube piece, lightly press down on cake to help release, and place a platter on top of pan and flip out. I actually prefer the top of the cake right side up so I flip it out again, if you understand me, but as you please. Fluffy, moist and delightful.

Light and Fluffy 1 Bowl Marble Cake
Light and Fluffy 1 Bowl Marble Cake

Light and Fluffy 1 Bowl Marble Cake

3 cups (approximately 360 grams) flour
1 3/4 (350 grams) cups sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 teaspoons vanilla or 1 packet vanilla sugar
1 cup (250 grams) of oil
4 eggs
1 cup (250 grams) orange juice
For marbleizing at the end:
1 1/2 tablespoons cocoa

Preheat oven to 325° F/165 C.
In a mixer, stir together flour, sugar, salt and baking powder. Right on top of dry ingredients, add oil, eggs, orange juice and vanilla. Beat together till smooth and slightly thick, scraping all about with spatula to make sure no pockets of flour remain. Pour all but one cup of batter into greased tube pan. To mixer with remaining batter, add the cocoa and beat well till smooth and combined. Pour cocoa mixture on top of white mixture in a circle in the tube pan and swirl in S shapes with a knife to marbleize. Bake for 50 minutes or until wooden toothpick in the middle of cake comes out clean. Let cool on wire rack and to plate, cut around the edges of tube pan carefully with a knife and around tube and gently press down on cake to help release it. Flip out onto platter to serve.

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11 replies
    • Debbie
      Debbie says:

      If you make it in a 9 x 13 pan, you have to adjust the baking time. Keep the temperature the same (325 F) but it will require keeping an eye on this. Good luck!

  1. Ellen
    Ellen says:

    My recipe.for cake! I swapped out 1 cup of flour for almond meal/flour, added a little almond extract and some orange zest. Perfect every time!


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