Lemon or Orange Parfait

This wonderful, cool and creamy mousse dessert is the result of DH really understanding me. Over 20 years ago, the Hilton hotel in Jerusalem had a cooking course which they gave in their kitchens. He gave me the course as an anniversary gift, realizing that for me that was better than most other gifts. Yay hubby, you got it so right. 🙂

This parfait was a huge hit with the whole class and is truly simple to make. You can whip this up in no time and I love to serve this alongside my nut torte for Passover as a beautiful combo.

However, this stands alone just as nicely served in a pretty glass or elegant dish. I particularly like this at the end of a heavy meal since the lemon or orange citrus appeal is light and quite literally melts on your tongue.

You separate 4 eggs (not much all considered) and whip the whites and yolks separately with sugar till both are fluffy, separately whip the Rich’s Whip or heavy cream (I prefer the Rich’s since it’s lighter), stir in the lemon or orange peel and juice and gently fold the whole thing together.

beaten egg whites
beating egg yolks with sugar
Rich’s Whip, beaten

Then I like to freeze them in molds (which I oil spray for easy release) for individual plating.

lemon parfait in molds

Since the molds are silicon and floppy, I put a baking tray under it to keep steady in the freezer.

Freeze till firm about 2-3 hours. Plate with a lemon or an orange for extra pizzazz and to identify your flavors nicely. It will melt on your tongue!

Lemon/Orange Parfait

4 eggs, separated

1/2 cup sugar, evenly divided between the whites and the yolks

2 small containers of Rich’s Whip

Peel of one lemon or 1/2 an orange, grated, preferably with a microplane for feathery peel

1/3 cup lemon or orange juice

pinch of salt


Separate the eggs, beating the whites till foamy and gradually adding the 1/4 cup of the sugar and the pinch of salt till fluffy but not dry. Scoop out the whites, put in a bowl and beat the yolks in the mixer with the other 1/4 cup of sugar till fluffy, adding the peel and juice. Pour on top of the whites in the separate bowl. Lastly beat the Rich’s Whip till fluffy and combine all together, gently folding in with a spatula.

Pour into oil sprayed molds or cupcake tins, cover tightly with plastic wrap and freeze 2-3 hours or till firm. Serve in solitary splendor with a slice of lemon or orange, or with nut torte for a glorious pairing of deliciousness.

2 replies
    • admin
      admin says:

      Closer to Pesach in most supermarkets like Osher Ad and probably Cheaperkol as well. I checked yesterday and they still didn’t have the KLP ones out yet.


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