Bodacious Barbecue Chix

DH has certain things he likes, certain things he really doesn’t and certain things he flip flops on. Chicken is one of them. For awhile, he wouldn’t eat the skin of the chicken, too greasy looking (sometimes true, actually). So for awhile I primarily cooked pargiot – skinless, boneless chicken thighs. Then he ate some chicken, I forget where and he liked it and I snagged the opportunity to make regular chicken again.

Since it’s so often just the two of us (and my mom) it makes sense to make food we both will enjoy.

Then, barbecue sauce fell out of favor since he felt it was too vinegary for him. I decided to try my hand at my own version, sans vinegar since I quite like barbecue sauce and wasn’t prepared to give it up.

So, I have made my own in the past, but I decided to measure it out precisely so that I could duplicate it in the future.

It is quite simple. Start with 1/2 a cup of ketchup (a staple for most people), 2 tablespoons brown sugar, a tablespoon of soy sauce, and two tablespoons of molasses (that’s the ingredient that turns it into a proper bbq sauce. Since I use it in other recipes as well, I keep this in my pantry). Then, add some of that wonderful caramelized onion you’ve learned to make ( or sautee 2 tablespoons of finely chopped onion and stir all together. That’s the whole thing.

Barbecue sauce on chix

Brush generously on your chix,

bbq sauce brushed all over chix

bake on convection bake 350 for about 40-50 minutes depending on your oven, or about an hour and twenty minutes in regular oven and you will get a beautifully sauced, not vinegary chicken. I confess, I much preferred this to the store bought kind so way to go for DH, I ever contrive and we got a winner.

Bodacious Barbecue Chix

1/2 cup ketchup

2 tablespoons brown sugar

1 tablespoon soy sauce

2 tablespoons mild unsulphured molasses

2 tablespoons finely chopped sauteed onion

6 – 8 chicken leg and thighs


Set the oven temp to 350, if you have convection bake, use it, if not, the chicken will take a bit longer to cook.

Mix all sauce ingredients together in a bowl. Take a pastry or grill brush and brush generously all over the chicken pieces that you put in an oil baking pan. Place into hot oven and bake for 40-50 minutes on convection heat, or till when poked with a toothpick, the chicken juices run a yellowish clear color. If it runs pinkish, you have sushi chicken-not a good thing- and bake approximately 15 -20 minutes longer. If baked on regular heat, about an hour and 15-20 minutes. Finger lickin’ good!

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2 replies
    • admin
      admin says:

      Divsha or דבשה or מולאסה Molassa
      You can find it in health food stores but make sure you don’t buy blackstrap molasses by mistake – very powerful taste which you don’t want here.


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