hummus techina halvsies

Hummus/Techina halvsies

While I’m a huge fan of techina (see a previous post), I occasionally crave some hummus which is a heavier product.  I made a rice dish for Shabbat which I felt needed some chickpeas thrown in and only used 1/2 a can. (Yes, yes, a can.  I’ve made my own chickpeas, most successfully in the crockpot, but it takes forever and a day and this simplifies things drastically).

So, what do you do with half a can of chickpeas?  Leave them in the fridge for a few days, suddenly remember they are there and watch them start to wilt?  I jumped into action to prevent that fate.  I decided to create a halvsies product, 1/2 hummus, 1/2 techina.  This way it wouldn’t be too heavy.  I had the good luck to have my son Netanel home (briefly) who is as into food as his mom and open to experimentation. (see his coffee experiment – soon on a different post).  So I threw in the drained 1/2 a can of chickpeas, a cube of chopped garlic, a large cube of chopped parsley, salt, lemon juice, cumin, sesame seed paste (raw techina) and whirled all together in the food processor.  I took a spoonful out to the coffee experimenter and he tasted it.  It tastes like hummus/techina – a half and half thing he said.  I said, perfect! exactly what I was attempting. And there you go, a new creature is born 😀

Hummus/Techina Halvsies

1/2 a can of cooked chickpeas (drain and save the liquid)

1 cube of chopped garlic (equal to one clove)

1 large cube of chopped parsley (equal to 2 tablespoons)

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup techina paste (sesame seed paste without flavoring)

A note about the paste.  You should make sure it’s lid is tightly on and over a sink, shake vigorously to combine the oil with the paste – they separate out.  Usually this is sufficient but sometimes you need to mix it up with a spoon or you will get sludge at the bottom of the container and your dish will come out unbalanced and incorrect.

juice of half a lemon OR 2-3 tablespoons lemon juice

1 flat teaspoon cumin (you can make it rounded but I like the subtler (read Ashkenazi 😁) flavor)

Okay, this is a food processor moment.  Haul it out and put in all the ingredients and about 1/3 cup of the chickpea liquid.  Whirl in your processor and make sure all the bits are nicely ground up and no streaks of techina paste remain.  I like it quite fine and thick but consistency is truly half and half.  Wait a minute or two.  The techina sets up and can be quite thick.  If you want a slightly thinner consistency (but not too or it’ll ruin the concept) add a bit more chickpea liquid.

Wonderful with toasted pita, challah, vegetable sticks, marinated olives and crackers.  Nummy nummy.

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