Awesome Date Nut Muffins

I gotta admit, these are a bit of an obsession with me.  I’ve tried many many versions of date nut bread/cake/muffins and they came out either too heavy or too light.  I messed around with them till my youngest son, Netanel, complained – can’t we have a different kind Mom?  He’s not a fruit based muffin fan, occasionally he’ll scarf down a blueberry muffin like it’s a favor. (Don’t worry, I compensated him 🙂 )


So I finally found to my delight, that I cobbled together a recipe that really satisfies me and all those who are fans of the date nut combo.

You can use walnuts (a hint of bitter with the sweet), pecans which are naturally sweeter, carmelized pecans, or chopped almonds which give a nutty consistency but less of a taste contrast.

Make absolutely sure that your nuts are fresh, they can go rancid on you and then you might as well toss the whole thing, eeeewwww as my grandkids would say!

Date Nut Muffins

2 cups white whole wheat flour (you can use regular white flour but I actively choose the whole wheat for the slightly denser consistency)

1/2 -1 teaspoon baking powder (this is your choice.  If it’s 1/2 a teaspoon, it’s a slightly denser texture which is my preference;  1 teaspoon, fluffier)

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

18 majool dates, pitted and checked (This comes out to approximately 330 grams or about a cup and a half)

1 cup hot coffee

1/2 cup oil

3/4 cup packed dark brown sugar

1 egg

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 cup chopped nuts (or just do as I do, take 1/2 cup of whole walnuts and throw into blender, but I’m getting to that)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

In mixing bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.  I use a whisk.  Next, get out a blender or food processor. Put in coffee, oil, sugar, egg and vanilla.  I put the sugar in since brown sugar tends to be lumpy and have hard bits.  This ensures smoother texture. Let sit a bit to slightly soften dates.  Some recipes put the baking soda in with the dates but I find the dates dissolve when this is done and I like to feel the small date chunks when I bite in.  Whirl together till lightly blended.  Add dates and chop until there are pieces but not a puree and last toss in nuts and chop.  Take into consideration the extra chopping time of nuts so dates aren’t chopped too fine.

By hand, use a spoon to mix wet ingredients into dry ingredients thoroughly but don’t overmix.  It’s okay if not smooth.  Overmixing will toughen the muffins, that’s why I do it by hand, so there is more control.

Prepare a muffin pan by thoroughly spraying with oil spray, including the in between spaces so when the muffin rises, it won’t stick to the pan.  Then, take an ice cream scooper and spray that as well with spray so the batter won’t stick and scoop out 12 even scoops of batter into the muffin pan.

I love the Wilton teflon muffin pan and the Oxo scoopers.

Bake at 375 for 18 minutes.  Check for doneness with toothpick which should come out with a moist crumb or two but not gooey.  Don’t overbake.  Enjoy with milk, coffee, hot chocolate etc.  It’s a great breakfast muffin and a wonderful snack really anytime.

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