Entries by Debbie

Chocolate Mousse Ice Cream

I’m a big chocolate fan and when I want a special treat other than a delectable piece of chocolate, I think of chocolate mousse. When done right, it should be deeply chocolatey, creamy and smooth and very rich. So rich, in fact, that I find that small portions suffice. I’ve played around with mousse recipes […]

Post Pesach Matzah Brei/Pizza

I know, I know, the dash back to chametz is a sprint that many of us make, especially my kids, like the second Passover is over. And we are talking about adult children here 🙂 . Since DH and I are somewhat older, this is less of a thing for us and we calmly cruise […]

Outrageous GF Carrot Breakfast Muffins

So in the frenzy of prep for the Seder, there comes the faint cry of those who live with you who (what a nerve) actually want to eat something beforehand! OMG, seriously? Seriously. So I decided to devise a muffin which can be eaten both pre-Pesach and during. It’s yummy for breakfast with a nice […]

Date Nut GF Cake

On Passover, I try everything in my power to avoid matzah meal (ground fine matza) in my cakes and cooking since I find it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste on my tongue as well as being a very heavy ingredient (and we are eating all that meat and chicken!), I always look for substitutes. Since I’m […]