Crispy fried fish

Crispy Fried Fish

This is my recipe for old fashioned fried fish with egg and breadcrumbs, which really is amazing when eaten hot off the pan but does surprisingly well as a cold dish and you can also put it in a sandwich with a hamburger bun and lettuce, tomato and mayo or mix together some ketchup and mayo for Russian dressing. That’s why it’s excellent to prepare some extra since it keeps a coupla days in the fridge once cooked and you can enjoy it both hot and cold. I used sole this time but have also used tilapia as well very successfully. So gather your ingredients together

gather your ingredients
gather your ingredients

eggs with a dollop of oil
eggs with a dollop of oil

beat the oil and eggs together well and set aside.

In a separate bowl, mix together the breadcrumbs, flour, garlic powder, paprika, onion powder, salt and baking powder till incoporated.

Mix together the breadcrumbs, flour and spices with the baking powder
Mix together the breadcrumbs, flour and spices with the baking powder

Take the fish and dip into the egg and immediately after into the breadcrumb mixture and coat well on both sides.

Place the egged fish into the breadcrumb mixture
Place the egged fish into the breadcrumb mixture

Btw, a nice little tip here, say you aren’t quite ready to fry up your fish yet? Take two baking sheets and line with parchment paper and egg them and bread them and lay on the parchment and pop into the fridge. They can wait patiently in the fridge for you at least 4-5 hours. I wouldn’t do it overnight or much longer since it might sog on you. K. Now I prepared them all in advance in any case this way so that I can just fry them in batches, one after the other, far more convenient.

prepared breaded fish fillets
prepared breaded fish fillets

Keep your prepared fillets next to the stovetop. Take a frying pan (preferably non-stick) and heat 2 – 3 tablespoons of oil in it. Keep the oil to hand since it does get absorbed and you will need to add some oil from time to time. Make sure to get the oil back up to medium high to fry properly.

frying the fish
frying the fish

Fry the fish about 3-4 minutes on each side, till golden brown and a crisp outer coating forms. It’s really best to let them drain on wire racks for maximum crispiness but can also be drained on paper towels. Serve hot out of the pan or cold in sandwiches or as is.

Crispy Fried Fish

1.7 pounds (800 grams) or 8 pieces sole (you can also use tilapia)

1 teaspoon paprika

1 to 2 teaspoons granulated garlic powder

1 to 2 teaspoons onion powder

1 teaspoon salt

3/4 teaspoon baking powder

3/4 cup breadcrumbs

1 1/2 cup all purpose flour

2 eggs

1 cup mild vegetable oil, such as canola, which is good for frying


Mix together the paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, baking powder, breadcrumbs and flour in a bowl. Set aside. Whisk together the eggs and a tablespoon of the oil in another bowl. Take parchment paper and lay on a baking sheet and proceed to dip the fish fillets first into the egg/oil mixture and immediately thereafter into the breadcrumb mixture on both sides. Lay the breaded fish on the parchment paper. Take a frying pan and pour in a few tablespoons of oil to shallowly cover bottom of pan and bring to medium high heat. When oil is hot, carefully lay fish (away from you) into the pan, not crowding them so the oil temp doesn’t drop and the fish doesn’t get soggy and in batches fry each side about 3-4 minutes till golden and crispy. Drain on wire racks (1st choice to remain crispiest) or on paper towels on a plate. Serve hot from the pan or cold in sandwiches.

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